Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Backyard Emerges

There is something so satisfying about putting seeds and plants in the ground and then watching them take hold. They go through this weird adjustment period where they just don't seem to be sure that they're going to be happy...and then all of a sudden they just begin to settle in.

It's been a long time since we've had a backyard that has some semblance of beauty. We are finally able to sit out on the new patio (it's made from cobblestones, provides a nice flat surface and is lovely). We have planted four new trees (Washington Hawthorn, Hackberry, Catalpa, and a London Plain). Of course there are feeders, birdhouses, suet hangers, finch socks all dangling from their branches. These are attracting birds, bees, and all sorts of activity. It's very enjoyable to sit out on the patio and have coffee in the morning. (Especially nice, since there is no need to rush off to school). Gramdma thinks that the array of birds is quite remarkable. She believes that she hasn't ever seen this many birds. Of course we know that she does have a tendancy towards exaggeration!

We've planted a "bed of roses" (very clever, I think...using an old metal bed frame...and placing the rose bushes in and around the bed). It's very nice for gma to go out in the late afternoon and sit by the roses. She loves it!

And finally, the piece d' cute little vegetable gardenYes! I'm trying out my new plan for semi-retirement by growing a few tomatoes, a zucchini, an acorn squash, some yellow, orange, and red pappers, and the most fabulous herb garden that is actually hanging on the rail.And finally, the piece d' cute little vegetable garden

Almost time to start working on the burm, the entry to the property...oh my, it's a process. But, it's getting beautiful and is beginning to look nice. Well worth the work...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lazy Spring Days

The resident barn cat, a.k.a. Pepper Jack, loves to lay in the hay to sun bathe. And today, he's taking a bath.
This one's for Grace and Frankie!
It's a rare moment when he can get ole Bear out of the bin!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Trenching must be a manly thing. Along with the propensity for finding rocky soil, and the distaste for digging holes. Right up there with hitting existing sprinkler lines. ARGHHH! A project for next weekend. Back to the real world of PT and teaching.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

So, we went to the trusty Home Depot today and rented a "trencher". Yeah, the "ground hog" is actually a trencher. It makes a small 4" trench. Why trench, you say? We are trenching around the perimeter of the lawn so we can bury some electrical lines that will allow Lynn to put lights in the flower beds.

Who Says It's Not Spring Yet?

It may be that Puxatawnney Phil went back to bed, but here in Idaho the suggestions of spring with 65 degrees this ground hog is gettin' busy!

Part of the plan, oh and yes, Lynn gets to run yet another piece of "man-equipment".

Saturday, January 30, 2010

And So We Begin . . .

Being new to this whole "blogging" thing, I'm not quite certain just how I'm going to do. I hope that you will all bear with me while I poke my way through a multitude of choices to customize. (ARGHGH!)

Life on Windy Ridge changes slowly while we continue making progress toward our goals for the outside and inside of the house, and the ever-evolving layout of the land known as the farm. That being said, I share the finished version of a new walkway and patio in our backyard. Spring will bring the promise of shrubs and flowers with new leaves on the young trees. The walkway and patio were quite a project; spanning 3 weekends of consistent labor by myself and Lynn.